As some of you will know, the download links on previous Barras posts are now dead. The recordings had been accumulated and uploaded piecemeal as other Barrasophiles kindly assisted in filling the gaps. I have taken the opportunity to rearrange the recordings into chronological order and am now happy to present them here.
1982 - Sideways a Bit
1983 - Certain Vicissitudes
1984 - Very Likely (three episodes)
1985 - Up The Tyne in a Flummox (five episodes)
1986 - Further up The Tyne in a Flummox (four episodes)
1988 - Even Further up The Tyne in a Flummox (four episodes)
1989 - Flummoxed Four Times (four episodes)
1991 - Eva and Adamson (four episodes)
1993 - Eva and Adamson Again (four episodes)
1996 - Quintessentially Flummoxed (four episodes)
Mean Eyed Cat
18 hours ago
thanks for this, appreciated
A million thanks, much appreciated.
Amazing find. I first heard some of these in the late 1970s, I think. Hilarious, still.
Can you point me in the direction of a recording that mentions "bottom bracket/s". I know there was one but I lost all the tapes I had.
Thank you so much for posting these. I remember discovering the great man's work when Radio 4 first broadcast 'Up the Tyne on a Flummox.' Leonard Barras immediately joined my personal pantheon of British comic geniuses alongside Spike Milligan, Vivian Stanshall, Ivor Cutler and a handful of others. His work is timeless and deserves to be so much better known than it is. I managed to record a few episodes on cassette at the time but now no longer have a working cassette player so it's been a real treat to hear them again, plus several pieces I missed first time around.
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