Laurie Anderson's Meltdown
Laurie Anderson and Friends
Queen Elizabeth Hall, London
Thursday, 26 June 1997
Note. Zero the Counter listed in the programme was a static display with no corresponding audio
First Set
01 Laurie Anderson - Difficult Listening Hour
02 Ken Nordine & Howard Levy - The Movie
03 Laurie Anderson - Chu Lu Lu
04 Ken Nordine & Charles Amirkhanian - The Interview
05 Laurie Anderson - Automatic Voices
06 Ken Nordine, Laurie Anderson, Lu Edmonds, Howard Levey - Mr and Mrs God
07 Lu Edmonds, Howard Levy, Laurie Anderson - Call On Line One
Second Set
01 Ivor Cutler - poems from A Wet Handle
02 Ivor Cutler - Jam
03 Ivor Cutler - A Suck of my Thumb
04 Ivor Cutler - Down and Up
05 Ivor Cutler - A Bubble or Two
06 Ken Nordine etc. - Seven Ways of the Seven Days
07 Arto Lindsay, Vinicius Cantuaria - A Few Songs
08 Laurie Anderson - Crime and Punishment
09 Charles Amirkhanian - Dumbek Bookache
10 Charles Amirkhanian - Church Car
11 Charles Amirkhanian - Dutiful Ducks
12 Ben Ponton - Re-Mix (incomplete)
Tape ran out so lost The Wildebeest
27 February 2011 links re-upped.