Martin Brandlmayr - drums, computer
Stefan Németh - synthesizer, computer, guitar
John Norman - bass guitar1. Nahfeld
2. Shift
3. Subcolors
4. Git Cut Noise
5. Feedbackmikro / City Lights
Mika Vainio & Bruce Gilbert
Nurse with Wound
Steven Stapleton
Colin Potter
Matt Waldron
Andre Liles
unknown (bugle)
I have treated this as one continuous piece. Some reviewers have mentioned that the performance incorporated I Am the Poison and Steel Dream March of the Metal Men.
I'm sure many of you out there know NWW's music much better than I do.
14 May 2018. Links re-upped. These are mp3 files at 32kpbs. The source file for the the Nurse with Wound set has become corrupted so it is not possible to provide as a FLAC.
Too Hot To Handle
16 hours ago